CSL Annual Report 2024

19. The A$ compensation paid during the years ended 30 June 2023 and 30 June 2024 have been converted to US$. For the 2024 compensation, this has been converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the 2024 financial year of 1.52397. For the 30 June 2023 compensation, this has been converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the 2023 financial year of 1.48733. Both the amount of remuneration and any movement in comparison to prior years may be influenced by changes in the exchange rates. No termination benefits were paid in 2024. 20. The PSUs and RSUs, granted as LTI and commencement benefits, have been valued using the Black Scholes option valuation methodology. These valuations were undertaken by Deloitte (until March 2022) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (from September 2022). The amounts disclosed have been determined by allocating the value of the PSUs and RSUs over the period from grant date to vesting date in accordance with applicable accounting standards. Share based payments have been converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the 2024 financial year of 1.52397. There were no Performance Rights or Options expensed or outstanding in 2023 or 2024. 21. Includes cash salary, cash allowances and short term compensated absences, such as annual leave entitlements accrued but not taken during the year. 22. The STI cash bonus in respect of 2024 is scheduled to be paid in September 2024. The STI cash component of the cash bonus received in 2023 was paid in full in September 2023 for all Executive KMP as previously disclosed, with no adjustment. 23. Includes any health benefits, insurances benefits and other short-term employee benefits. For International Assignees and domestic and international relocations, this may include personal tax advice, health insurance, removalists, temporary accommodation, and other expatriate assignment benefits. 24. J Linton commenced as Executive KMP on 5 March 2021 and was granted RSUs on 1 April 2021 as a component of her commencement arrangements (as partial compensation for time-based equity forfeited at her previous employer). The final tranche of this award (396 RSUs) vested on 1 March 2024. Details are set out in the 2021 Remuneration Report. 25. In 2024 A Schmeltz was an Executive KMP for the period 1 September 2023 to 30 June 2024. A cash sign on bonus of US$213,300 was paid to A Schmeltz in July 2023 on commencement of employment and was to compensate for loss of STI on cessation of employment with Pfizer. A Schmeltz was granted PSUs and RSUs on 1 September 2023 as a component of his commencement arrangements (as partial compensation for time-based equity forfeited at his previous employer). Details are set out in section 7.3 of this Report. 9. KMP Statutory Tables 9.1 Executive KMP Statutory Remuneration Remuneration is reported in US$, unless otherwise stated. Table 9: Statutory Remuneration Disclosure – Executive KMP Short Term Benefits Post Employment Other Long Term Share Based Payments20 Year19 Cash Salary and Fees US$21 Cash Bonus US$22 Cash Sign On US$ NonMonetary US$23 Super US$ Long Service Leave US$ PSUs US$ RSUs US$ Total US$ % Performance Related Executive P McKenzie CEO and Managing Director 2024 1,889,622 2,325,645 – 124,693 32,900 – 3,810,982 – 8,183,842 75% 2023 1,280,851 1,376,890 – 70,669 23,257 – 1,657,943 – 4,409,610 69% J Linton Chief Financial Officer 24 2024 834,511 978,413 – 37,765 181,642 22,205 1,660,338 15,387 3,730,261 71% 2023 846,516 946,395 – 46,836 186,096 21,242 924,455 334,835 3,306,375 67% A Schmeltz EVP CSL Behring25 2024 710,077 695,380 – 48,492 26,738 – 939,442 1,650,637 4,070,766 81% 2023 – – – – – – – – – – TOTAL 2024 3,434,210 3,999,438 – 210,950 241,280 22,205 6,410,762 1,666,024 15,984,869 76% 2023 2,127,367 2,323,285 117,505 209,363 21,242 2,582,398 334,835 7,715,985 68% 97