CSL Annual Report 2024

Directors’ Report 8.2 NED Fees The Board continues to monitor the practice of global Australian listed companies and those listed in European and US markets to confirm a competitive structure and fee arrangement is in place. In 2024, after reviewing ASX12 comparative Board fees, the Board determined to increase Board and Committee fees by 3% from 1 July 2024. This increase is within the maximum aggregate fees that may be paid to all NEDs, as approved by shareholders at the 2016 AGM and is below the global weighted average budget increase for CSL employees. The following table provides details of Board and Committee fees for 2024 and 2025. Table 8: NED Fees 2024 and 2025 2024 Fees 2025 Fees Board Chair Fee A$923,000 A$950,700 Board NED Base Fee A$260,200 A$268,000 Committee Fees Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Chair Committee Member Audit & Risk Management A$74,250 A$36,350 A$76,500 A$37,450 Corporate Governance & Nomination A$31,950 A$16,000 A$32,900 A$16,500 Human Resources & Remuneration A$63,650 A$31,950 A$65,550 A$32,900 Innovation & Development A$61,700 A$31,950 A$63,550 A$32,900 The Chair of the Board does not receive Committee fees in addition to his Board Chair fee. A travel allowance of A$15,000 per annum is in place for those NEDs who reside outside of Australia and travel to and from Australia to attend Board and Committee meetings. Where no travel is undertaken in a quarter, no allowance is paid. In 2024, no allowance was paid. From 1 July 2024, the Board approved a change in approach and value of the travel allowance. Applicable only to those NEDs who reside outside of Australia, for any trip greater than ten hours, a per-trip gross travel allowance of A$20,000 will be paid. This allowance considers the travel burden imposed on overseas NEDs as they attend board meetings and visit CSL’s global locations. 8.3 NED Share Purchases During 2024, CSL completed three on-market purchases of shares for the purposes of the NED Rights Plan. A total of 3,101 shares were purchased during the reporting period and the average price paid per share was A$279.33. No shares were purchased on market for any employee equity plans during the year. 96 Limited Annual Report 2023/24