CSL Annual Report 2024

Directors’ Report 6. Remuneration in 2025 6.1 Executive KMP Remuneration Changes in 2025 The Board determines any increases to reward for Executive KMP based on CSL’s position in the market relative to the global pharmaceutical/biotechnology peer group, individual performance, role responsibilities and internal relativity. This section sets out the target remuneration for Executive KMP effective 1 September 2024 for the financial year 2025. Any increase to Executive KMP reward is in line with the approach taken for the broader employee population. When comparing Executive KMP TDC to the reward of peers within the global pharmaceutical/biotechnology peer group, TDC is below the market median. Executive KMP Changes effective FY25 Executive KMP target remuneration and global peer market data (US$) P McKenzie – 3.5% increase to FR to US$1,874,644 – No change to target STI and LTI percentage opportunity – TDC of US$12,091,452 – positioned at 71% of the market median 2025 Fixed Reward 2025 STI Target 2025 LTI Target 2025 Total Target Direct Compensation 12,091,452 12,988,215 2,423,014 2,249,573 1,697,782 1,874,644 7,967,236 P McKenzie Peer Group CEO – median 17,044,983 J Linton – 3.97%* increase to FR to US$950,672 – No change to target STI and LTI percentage opportunity – TDC of US$4,040,355 – positioned at 66% of the market median * The 3.97% increase has been applied to Ms Linton’s A$ FR and converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the 2024 financial year of 1.52397. 2025 Fixed Reward 2025 STI Target 2025 LTI Target 4,040,355 4,605,234 1,095,030 950,672 1,080,407 950,672 2,139,011 J Linton Peer Group Chief Financial Officer – median 6,140,479 2025 Total Target Direct Compensation A Schmeltz – 4.5% increase to FR to US$841,225 – No change to target STI and LTI percentage opportunity – TDC of US$4,206,125 – positioned at 92% of the market median 2025 Fixed Reward 2025 STI Target 2025 LTI Target 4,206,125 2,366,605 942,187 841,225 1,013,104 841,225 2,523,675 A Schmeltz Peer Group EVP Behring – median 4,584,478 2025 Total Target Direct Compensation 90 Limited Annual Report 2023/24