CSL Annual Report 2024

Directors’ Report 4. Five Year CSL Financial Performance and Executive KMP Reward Outcomes The table below summarises CSL’s key financial performance indicators over the past five financial years and Executive KMP reward outcomes over the period. In addition to shareholder wealth measures, the measures used in CSL’s remuneration framework are also included. Table 2: CSL Financial Performance and Executive KMP Reward Outcomes 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total Shareholder Return (12 month %) – AUD 34.9% 0.4% -4.6% 4.4% 7.8% Closing Share Price (dollars) – AUD11 287.00 285.19 269.06 277.38 295.21 Total Dividends paid per Share (cents) – USD 195 211 222 225 248 EPS (cents) – USD 563.3 522.0 481.0 455.0 547.0 Annual ROIC 21.6% 21.2% 18.2% 12.2% 10.5% Cash Inflow From Operating Activities – USD 2,488 3,622 2,629 2,601 2,764 NPATA12 (millions) – USD 2,381 2,610 2,907 Net Profit After Tax13 (millions) – USD 2,103 2,375 2,255 2,194 2,642 Average Executive KMP STI Outcome as % of Maximum 82% 68% 69% 51% 53% Average LTI % Vesting Outcome 80% 95% 89% 68% 40% 5. Executive KMP Outcomes in 2024 5.1 STI Outcomes in 2024 In 2024, CSL has delivered strong results maintaining focus on its strategic objectives. Financial performance on the STI measure of NPATA was slightly above budget, while performance on the CFO measure was slightly below budget. Plasma collection volumes increased and the plasma cost per litre reduced over prior year. CSL continues to develop and progress its research and development pipeline, realise efficiencies across all businesses and is innovating to drive a sustainable business. The performance outcomes achieved resulted in an average overall STI payment outcome of 53% of maximum for Executive KMP (see tables 3, 4 and 5). In determining the STI outcomes for Executive KMP, the Board reviewed the quality of earnings and risk management outcomes across the year to ensure the STI outcomes were appropriately aligned with the overall performance of the company and the experience of CSL’s shareholders. The Leading and Managing Modifier was not used in 2024. The Board made no adjustments under the Malus and Clawback Policy and no risk management, behavioural or compliance issues involving Executive KMP were identified during the joint meeting between the HRRC and ARMC. 11 The opening share price for each year reflects the closing share price from the previous year. The opening share price for 2020 was A$215.00. 12. NPATA attributable to shareholders of CSL Limited as reported in the financial statements. Only three years of outcomes are provided in line with CSL’s reporting of this measure. 13. 2023 and 2024 Net Profit After Tax represents net profit for the year attributable to shareholders of CSL Limited, as reported in the financial statements. 86 Limited Annual Report 2023/24