CSL Annual Report 2024

Directors’ Report 3.4 Short Term Incentive The STI program is designed to drive business performance and create sustainable shareholder value. The key features of the STI program for 2024 are detailed below. Feature Description Performance Period Annual award aligned with the financial year – 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 Delivery Cash – paid in September 2024 Performance Measures – Each Executive KMP has a maximum of seven KPIs. The KPIs are made up of two financial measures, a sustainability measure, plus up to four individual business building KPIs – Hurdles are set at threshold, target and maximum levels of performance with a significant difference between each performance level to ensure a challenging but meaningful incentive is provided for target performance – The performance measures are chosen so that Executive KMP are focused on the achievement of the CSL strategy, delivery of business results and CSL’s success and sustainability Financial Sustainability Individual Profitable financial growth is the foundation of CSL’s long‑term sustainability. The financial performance measures are NPATA measured at constant currency, and CFO measured at reported rates Ensuring a global shared focus on our long-term sustainability and global footprint consistent with our CSL purpose and values Individual KPIs aligned with our strategic priorities, encourage appropriate decision making, and balance performance in financial and non-financial priorities Further detail on the STI performance measures and outcomes for 2024 is provided in section 5.1 Performance Measure Weightings P McKenzie J Linton A Schmeltz Financial NPATA 35% 30% 25% CFO 25% 30% 25% Sustainability 5% 5% 5% Individual 35% 35% 45% Vesting – 50% of STI earned at threshold level performance, increasing on a straight line basis with 100% earned at target level performance and 200% on achievement of maximum level performance (capped at 200%) – Individual STI outcomes are determined by multiplying the weighted outcome for each KPI by the individual’s target STI opportunity (as disclosed in section 2.1) 84 Limited Annual Report 2023/24