CSL Annual Report 2024

Directors’ Report 2. 2024 Executive KMP Remuneration at a Glance 2.1 2024 Target Remuneration The following table sets out target remuneration for Executive KMP for 2024, and any changes from the prior year, which were disclosed in the 2023 Remuneration Report. P McKenzie J Linton A Schmeltz2 FR3 US$1,811,250 (3.5% increase) US$914,404 (3.95% increase) US$805,000 STI4 120% of FR (no change) 100% of FR (no change) 100% of FR LTI5 425% of FR (no change) 225% of FR (no change) 300% of FR TDC US$11,682,563 US$3,886,219 US$4,025,000 2.2 2024 Executive KMP Realised Remuneration The charts below disclose the ‘realised’ remuneration for Executive KMP for 2024 in US Dollars (US$) presenting a simple and transparent view of what the Executive KMP’s actual take-home pay was for 2024 based on both individual and CSL performance to 30 June 2024. While vesting does not occur until 1 September 2024, the LTI awards tested at 30 June 2024 have been included, along with commencement benefit awards for Ms Joy Linton and Mr Andrew Schmeltz that vested during the year. This is a voluntary disclosure and is presented on a non-IFRS basis. See section 9 Table 9 for the Statutory Remuneration disclosure that has been prepared in accordance with the Australian accounting standards. 2024 realised remuneration P McKenzie CEO Term as KMP: Full year US$746,063 US$2,605,146 2024 realised remuneration J Linton Chief Financial Officer Term as KMP: Full year US$1,038,592 US$695,380 US$978,413 US$2,682,354 2024 realised remuneration A Schmeltz6 EVP CSL Behring Term as KMP: Part year FR7 STI Cash8 Equity Vested9 US$1,163,703 US$1,958,635 US$2,325,645 US$5,887,240 US$1,602,960 US$665,349 2. A Schmeltz commenced employment on 30 June 2023 and was appointed as Executive KMP 1 September 2023, therefore no prior year comparison is provided. 3. Salary, and for J Linton also includes superannuation. Effective 1 September 2023. 4. Target add for 2024 with payment based on performance in September 2024. 5. Granted 2024 with a performance period of 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2026. Vesting will occur in September 2026. 6. The ‘realised’ remuneration for A Schmeltz is for the period 1 September 2023 to 30 June 2024 being the period A Schmeltz was Executive KMP. 7. FR includes base salary, retirement/superannuation benefits, and other benefits such as insurances, relocation and allowances paid in 2024. 8. STI relates to STI earned in 2024 and will be paid in September 2024 (refer to section 5.1). 9. Equity Vested refers to value of LTI vested at 1 March 2024 that became unrestricted and the value of LTI awards tested at 30 June 2024 and that are expected to vest on 1 September 2024 (refer to section 5.2). Awards were granted over the period 1 September 2019 to 1 September 2023. The value at vesting has been determined by multiplying the number of vested units by the closing share price on the date of vesting or in the case of the awards to vest on 1 September 2024, the closing share price at 30 June 2024. This has been converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the 2024 financial year of 1.52397. The award vesting 1 March 2024 for J Linton was a commencement benefit earned in 2021 given Ms Linton commenced employment with CSL in 2021. The award vesting 1 March 2024 for A Schmeltz was a commencement benefit granted and earned in 2024 on Mr Schmeltz’s commencement of employment with CSL. 80 Limited Annual Report 2023/24