CSL Annual Report 2024

8. Significant changes and subsequent events Other than as disclosed in this Directors’ Report (which includes pages 2 to 108 of the OFR) and information as disclosed in Note 22 (Subsequent Events) of the Financial Statements, the directors are not aware of: • any significant changes in the consolidated entity’s state of affairs during the 2023/24 financial year or to the Group’s principal activities during the year; or • any other matter or circumstance which has arisen since the end of the 2023/24 financial year which has significantly affected or may significantly affect the operations of the Group, results of those operations or the state of affairs of the Group in subsequent financial years. 9. Environmental regulation and compliance To meet industry and regulatory standards at our facilities, CSL uses an Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Management System. This system covers compliance with government regulations and commitments for continuous improvement of health and safety in the workplace and minimising the negative effects of operations on the environment. In 2023/24, CSL improved global alignment across several key EHS programs. This included updating CSL’s Global Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHSS) Policy and communicating it to all CSL employees, updating the Global EHS audit and governance program and the development of standardised global processes to identify and control activities, where the absence or failure to use a control could expose employees to serious injury or fatality. The focus on the identification and standardised control of EHS risk across the CSL network will continue in the 2024/25 financial year. CSL continues to mature our overall environmental sustainability program, embedding environmental considerations into our work practices. Key environmental principles are driven by processes like our EHS by Design program (and the operational identification of environmental aspects and impacts), in alignment with ISO 14001 principles, to further reduce CSL’s potential impact on the environment and our local communities. Our Australian subsidiaries continue to be classified as an established licensee in respect of CSL’s self-insurance license as granted by the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission with an eight-year license extension granted in 2023. There were no significant environmental breaches at CSL operations during the reporting period. A significant environmental breach is defined as a non-compliance with environmental legislation in the jurisdiction in which the event occurs, that has an impact rating of major or critical for environmental or regulatory dimensions as per CSL’s Enterprise Risk Management Framework. CSL has met its reporting obligations under the Australian Government’s National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 and Victorian Government’s National Pollutant Inventory requirements in the Environment Protection Regulations 2021 (Vic). 10. Directors’ shareholdings and interests The interests of the directors in the shares, options and performance rights of CSL are set out in the Remuneration Report – Tables 13 and 14 (page 101) for executive key management personnel (KMP) and Tables 15 and 16 (pages 102 and 103) for non-executive directors. The Group’s Securities Dealing Policy prohibits KMP from entering into transactions which limit exposure to risk in relation to securities granted under CSL’s equity incentive schemes. From time to time, the Company Secretary makes inquiries of KMP as to their compliance with this policy. 11. Performance rights and options As at 30 June 2024, the number of unissued ordinary shares in CSL under options and under performance rights are set out in Note 5 (People Costs) and Note 16 (Detailed Information – People Costs) of the Financial Statements. Holders of options or performance rights do not have any right, by virtue of the options or performance rights, to participate in any share issue by CSL or any other body corporate or in any interest issued by any registered managed investment scheme. The number of options and performance rights exercised during the 2023/24 financial year and the exercise price paid to acquire fully paid ordinary shares in CSL is set out in Note 5 (People Costs) of the Financial Statements. Since the end of the 2023/24 financial year, no shares were issued under CSL’s Performance Rights Plan. Since the end of the 2023/24 financial year, there has been no change to the information contained in Note 16 (Detailed Information – People Costs) to the Financial Statements. Since the end of the 2023/24 financial year, 7,593 Restricted Share Units and 2,815 Performance Share Units have been forfeited due to participant ceasing employment. Since the end of the 2023/24 financial year, there has been no change to the information contained in Note 16 (Detailed Information – People Costs) to the Financial Statements. Directors’ Report 70 Limited Annual Report 2023/24