CSL Annual Report 2024

Andrew Cuthbertson AO BMedSci, MBBS, PhD, FAA, FTSE, FAHMS Age 69 Independent Non-executive Director Director of CSL Limited since October 2018, and a Non-executive Director since October 2021. Carolyn Hewson AO BEc (Hons), MA Age 69 Independent Non-executive Director Director of CSL Limited since December 2019. Samantha Lewis BA (Hons), CA Age 54 Independent Non-executive Director Director of CSL Limited since January 2024. Professor Cuthbertson has over 35 years’ experience in medical research and biotech development with large biopharmaceutical companies and medical organisations. He also has non-executive director experience. Professor Cuthbertson joined CSL in April 1997 as the Director of Research. Prior to CSL, he was a senior scientist at Genentech Inc., a biotechnology company dedicated to pursuing groundbreaking science to discover and develop medicine for people with life-threatening diseases. After completing medical training at the University of Melbourne and a PhD in immunology at The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Australia, Professor Cuthbertson spent five years working in molecular biology research as a staff member at the Howard Florey Institute in Melbourne, Australia, and the National Institutes of Health in Maryland, United States. In 2016, he was made an Officer of the Order of Australia and appointed Enterprise Professor at the University of Melbourne. Other directorships and offices (current and recent): • Chair of the interim Scientific Advisory Board for the Cumming Global Centre for Pandemic Therapeutics (since August 2023); • Deputy Chancellor of the University of Melbourne (since January 2023); • Member of The University of Melbourne Council (since January 2020); and • Director of the Grattan Institute (since January 2019). Board Committee memberships: • Chair of the Innovation and Development Committee; and • Member of the Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee. Ms Hewson is a former investment banker with over 35 years’ experience in the finance sector. She was previously an executive director of Schroders Australia Limited and has extensive financial markets, risk management and investment management expertise. She has long-term non-executive experience in a number of sectors bringing a breadth of experience and insight on strategy, capital management and portfolio optimisation through cycles, financial and non-financial risk, social value, organisational culture and the changing external environment. In 2009, Ms Hewson was made an Officer in the Order of Australia for her services to the broader community and to business. Other directorships and offices (current and recent): • Member of the Reserve Bank Board (since April 2021); and • Director of Infrastructure SA (since January 2019). Board Committee memberships: • Chair of the Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee; • Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee; and • Member of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee. Ms Lewis is an experienced non-executive director serving on boards of ASX 100 companies since 2014. Ms Lewis is a chartered accountant with extensive experience in accounting, finance, auditing, risk management, corporate governance, capital markets and due diligence. Prior to becoming a Non-executive Director, Ms Lewis spent 24 years with Deloitte, including 14 years as a Partner. In that role, she acted as lead auditor of a number of major Australian listed entities and provided accounting and transactional advisory services including due diligence, IPOs and debt/equity raisings. Ms Lewis has significant experience working with companies in the manufacturing, retail and industrial sectors. She is currently a Non-executive Director at Nine Entertainment Co. Holdings Limited and Australia Pacific Airports Corporation Limited. Other directorships and offices (current and recent): • Director of Australia Pacific Airports Corporation Limited (since October 2022); • Director of Nine Entertainment Co. Holdings Limited (since March 2017); • Former Director of Orora Limited (from March 2014 to April 2024); • Former Director of Aurizon Holdings Limited (from February 2015 to October 2023); and • Former Chair of APRA’s Audit and Risk Committee (from June 2016 to December 2022). Board Committee memberships: • Member Audit Risk Management Committee. 59