CSL Annual Report 2024

Read more at csl.com/we-are-csl/ corporate-governance The diagram above shows the governance framework of CSL. Robust processes are in place to ensure the delegation flows through the Board and its committees to the CEO and Managing Director, the Global Leadership Group (GLG) and into the organisation. The CEO and Managing Director and GLG have responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Group. This governance framework also aligns the flow of information and accountability from CSL’s people, through the management levels, to the Board and ultimately the shareholders and key stakeholders. Board composition Throughout the year there was a maximum of nine directors on the Board. At the date of this report, there are nine directors on the Board, comprising eight independent non‑executive directors and one executive director. Since 1 July 2023 to the date of this report, the following changes to directorships occurred: • Ms Carolyn Hewson was re-elected as a director at the 2023 Annual General Meeting, held on 11 October 2023; • Mr Bruce Brook retired from the Board as a non-executive director on 11 October 2023; and • Ms Samantha Lewis joined the Board as a non-executive director on 1 January 2024. The Board is focused on maintaining an appropriate mix of skills and diversity in its membership. This includes a range of skills, experience and background in the pharmaceutical industry, international business, finance and accounting, and management, as well as gender diversity. A detailed matrix of Board skills is available in CSL’s 2023/24 Corporate Governance Statement available at CSL.com (We Are CSL > Corporate Governance). Key Stakeholders, including Shareholders Board CEO & MANAGING DIRECTOR GLOBAL LEADERSHIP GROUP COMPANY SECRETARY Board Committees Code of Responsible Business Practice Our Values Patient Focus Integrity Innovation Superior Performance Collaboration 57 Audit and Risk Management Innovation and Development Corporate Governance and Nomination Human Resources and Remuneration