CSL Annual Report 2024

Waste One of CSL’s environmental strategy focus areas is to divert waste from landfill through reducing, reusing, recycling and composting, as demonstrated by the targets set above. To achieve our 2030 ambitions CSL will: 1) r educe absolute waste by adapting process and purchasing decisions; 2) i mprove recycling and reuse through improved segregation and identification of novel waste disposal pathways; and 3) i mprove composting of organic materials through improved segregation. Currently CSL’s operations in Europe dispose of almost all waste by recycling or incineration. In Australia, CSL is a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant and reports regularly on plans and progress to minimise waste. There is also a wide variety of waste recycling programs at our US facilities. CSL continues to demonstrate improved recycling rates during the reporting period. Compared with the prior year, CSL’s waste recycling rate increased by 4% to 48% of total waste. Water Water is a precious and limited resource, that is why it’s one of CSL’s environmental focus areas. CSL’s focus on water is to identify, prioritise and implement water reduction initiatives. That is why CSL has set a target to achieve zero percent absolute growth in water use, against FY2021 baseline, at three priority manufacturing sites, Kankakee, Broadmeadows and Tullamarine, which are located in regions forecast to be water stressed by 2030. To ensure CSL conserves water in water‑stressed regions where the Company operates, CSL will utilise the following levers to meet our 2030 ambitions: 1) c apture and reuse clean wastewater 2) o ptimise large-scale cleaning processes 3) treat and reuse wastewater. Packaging CSL’s objective is to reduce the amount of waste that is generated throughout the production and use of all products. A key area of focus is to identify and implement initiatives to reduce and recycle materials used for packaging and distribution of its products. In Australia, CSL is a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant and reports regularly on plans and progress to minimise waste. CSL continues to: • prescribe the use of sustainable materials in packaging development and reduce the size of packaging when existing packaging is adapted; • progress towards electronic leaflets with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approving electronic product information leaflets (ePIL), from September 2023 for many boxed injectables for use by Australian health care professionals, where a history of safe use has been demonstrated; and • progressively remove leaflets from products where applicable. Further, over the reporting period a ‘Future Pack’ initiative was launched to reimagine CSL Behring’s packaging in 2030. In the future the use of sustainable materials, minimalist designs that reduce the amount of packaging will be combined with operational changes to improve efficiency, reduce waste and reduce transport costs. CSL is also exploring various methodologies and processes required to undertake product lifecycle assessments. 55