CSL Annual Report 2024

CSL’s targets and milestones achieved CSL is committed to reducing emissions created directly by its operations by improving the energy efficiency of our facilities, investing in renewable electricity and ensuring new facilities are designed and built with sustainability in mind. CSL is excited to see the initial impact resulting from the hard work and efforts put into executing these activities, since our target was set. For example, transitioning our Australian manufacturing sites to renewable energy from January 2025 (see Case Study page 53). Even with the expansion of some of our existing facilities and the return to pre-COVID levels of production for most products, our total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions have remained relatively stable. CSL’s Scope 1 emissions increased slightly due to a change in methodology for refrigerants, where more accurate data was now available. Healthier World Targets and milestones achieved over the reporting period Scope 1 2 3 Target 40% reduction by 2030 on baseline (335 kilotonnes, KT, of CO2-e) For 67% of Scope 3 emissions, applicable third parties have set science-based Scope 1 and 2 reduction targets by 2030 Key achievements for 2023/24 • Liverpool successfully piloted a heat recovery system that will now be rolled out on additional units • Bern signed an agreement to pursue the feasibility of steam production from sustainably sourced woodchips • In addition to our progress for 100% renewable electricity supply to our European manufacturing sites, CSL signed a Renewable-Linked Power Purchase Agreement for all Australian facilities • CSL continues to embed sustainability into decision making across the organisation by adapting processes to include sustainability criteria • CSL has actively engaged with 71.3% of suppliers by emissions to set SBTi aligned targets • 51.7% of CSL’s suppliers by emissions^ have self-reported to have Scope 1 and 2 SBTi aligned targets • Announced water use and waste targets • C SL continues to enhance its portfolio and program governance, including continuing to seek limited assurance over its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and energy consumption data and water use and looking to seek limited assurance on total Scope 3 emissions in future. Whereas Scope 2 emissions decreased driven by increased renewable energy use across the CSL enterprise. In achieving CSL’s emissions reduction targets, CSL does not anticipate linear reductions in the earlier years, especially in Scope 1 emissions. As we execute on our roadmap and see more of the company’s projects delivered over the near term, CSL expects to see further reductions CSL intends to continue to reduce emissions in line with our targets. By 2030, CSL aims to: • target a reduction of 40% of absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions against a baseline of the average annual emissions across fiscal years 2019–2021; and • engage with suppliers who contribute 67% of Scope 3 emissions to set Scope 1 and 2 reduction targets, aligned with science-based targets. To further demonstrate CSL’s commitment to minimising its impact on climate change, in August 2024, CSL submitted its near term company-wide emissions reduction targets to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for validation. Climate change and resilience CSL is a science-led organisation which recognises that climate change affects all aspects of businesses and communities. A warming planet increases the risk of wildfires, rising sea levels, extreme heat, severe weather and droughts. These hazards can have a direct effect on human health and further stress healthcare infrastructure, including the network of global manufacturing facilities and warehouses used by CSL in the production of life‑saving medicines and therapies. ^ Based on the supplier’s proportion of CSL’s total FY23 Scope 3 emissions. 52 Limited Annual Report 2023/24