CSL Annual Report 2024

Climate and Carbon and Energy Efficiency CSL’s energy and emissions profile Combined, CSL’s manufacturing facilities and CSL Plasma centres contribute to most of CSL’s energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. CSL’s total reported Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions for 2023/24 increased. The increase in reported emissions is due to improved data collection for Scope 1, refrigerants from CSL facilities. Underlying Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions remained relatively flat compared to the previous year, most notably whilst production returned to pre-COVID levels. There was a minor increase in energy consumption. Scope 1 GHG emissions are direct emissions from CSL activities and primarily come from the combustion of fossil fuels. The greatest proportion of these emissions comes from burning natural gas, predominantly to generate steam in boilers and heat and electricity in cogeneration units at some manufacturing facilities. Environmental performance Indicator Unit 23–241,2,3 (April–March) 22–231,2,3 (April–March) 21–221,2 (April–March) Scope 1 GHG emissions4 Metric kilotonnes CO2-e (KT) 130 113 104 Scope 2 GHG emissions4 Metric kilotonnes CO2-e (KT) 221 223 243 Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions4 Metric kilotonnes CO2-e (KT) 351* 336** 347 Energy consumption5 Petajoules (PJ) 4.34* 4.21** 3.92 1. Data reported are inclusive of CSL Behring and CSL Seqirus manufacturing facilities, CSL Plasma network and CSL Behring and CSL Limited headquarters. 2. CSL Plasma uses validated factors to calculate electrical power and gas consumption. Utility invoices were used to establish these factors and calculate natural gas and electricity consumption for all CSL Plasma centres. Utility invoices were also used for CSL Plasma Logistic centres, CSL Plasma Laboratories and the Union manufacturing facility (United States). 3. This includes CSL Vifor manufacturing facility in Switzerland following acquisition in August 2022. 4. The majority of GHG emitted from CSL’s operation is carbon dioxide (CO2). In most jurisdictions GHG emission factors used by CSL calculate carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane emissions. Total emissions are expressed as carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-e). Scope 2 emissions are market-based. 5. This includes Scope 1 and 2 energy sources. Scope 1 energy sources are fossil energy sources supplied or used onsite, including fleet fuel use. Scope 2 energy sources are electricity and steam supplied to site, as well as chilled water and compressed air. * Limited assurance provided by Deloitte. ** Limited assurance provided by Ernst & Young. Smaller amounts of diesel, petrol and heating oil are also used as energy sources for emergency generators, transport, and other site equipment. Scope 2 emissions are from purchased electricity and to a lesser extent purchased steam, cooling water, heat and compressed air. Steam is imported to CSL’s facilities in Wuhan, China, and Marburg, Germany, facilities as an energy source. Chilled water, heat and compressed air are also supplied to the Marburg facility and heat is also supplied to the Bern facility. In the 2023/24 financial year, the proportion of electricity purchased by CSL from renewable sources increased by 2% to 19%. Manufacturing sites in Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (UK) currently purchase 100% of their electricity from renewable sources. CSL’s environmental performance includes data from the following operations: • CSL Seqirus, three manufacturing facilities – Australia, the UK and the United States (US); • CSL Behring, six manufacturing facilities – Australia, Germany, Switzerland, the US including CSL’s saline manufacturing facility and China; • CSL Vifor, one manufacturing facility – Switzerland; • CSL Plasma operations, including plasma centres, across China, Germany, Hungary and the United States, two major plasma logistics centres and CSL Plasma’s United States laboratory; • administrative and R&D operations co-located with CSL’s manufacturing facilities; and • the respective head offices for CSL Behring (King of Prussia, US), CSL Plasma (Boca Raton, US) and CSL Limited (Melbourne, Australia). 51