CSL Annual Report 2024

Driving positive outcomes for people with bleeding disorders in developing countries In 2024, CSL continued its access work through its partnership with the World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH), which began in 2009. In 2022, CSL committed to donate 100 million international units (IUs) of coagulation factor therapy per year to the WFH, as part of CSL’s continued support of the WFH Humanitarian Aid Program. The product is manufactured for donation purposes and has a standard shelf life of three years, which allows WFH to widely distribute this life‑saving therapy as needed. These donations allow people with no or limited access to vital therapies for the bleeding disorder haemophilia A to receive the care they need in more than 50 developing countries. CSL’s donation has helped treat over 12,000 acute bleeds, with more than 5,500 people with bleeding disorders (PWBD) treated and over 1,600 PWBD receiving ongoing prophylaxis therapy to prevent bleeds. Supporting 18 developing countries as prioritised by the WHO and with the capabilities and resources available to provide continued prophylaxis treatments and major surgeries. Data is based on calendar year and reflects CSL’s first full year of the five-year commitment. In FY23, CSL Behring initiated the first proactive delivery of 50 million IUs to the WFH. In addition to the product donation, CSL Behring provided financial support for logistics costs and training programs designed to address unmet needs for people living with haemophilia who are undiagnosed, untreated or undertreated. CSL Behring’s contributions to the WFH Humanitarian Aid program make life-changing improvements to people with no access to care for bleeding disorders. CSL has made a systematic commitment to contribute products to WFH. Manufactured specifically for WHF, the product was shipped from CSL Behring’s Marburg, Germany facility to the WFH site in Belgium. The product is then distributed, at WFH’s discretion, to over 50 countries based on need. CSL’s contribution is especially important in providing and increasing prophylaxis therapy for children and adults, which also can help decrease the number of acute bleeding incidents and improve surgery outcomes. Access and affordability commitment: CSL’s ambition is to advance equitable access to its medicines and vaccines by designing programs around vulnerable populations and expanding strategic donations. Through extension of existing WFH partnership, by 2030, CSL aims to: • Enable 2,100 people with bleeding disorders to access prophylaxis therapy across 25 capable low and middle income countries. During the 2023 calendar year Case Study 18 countries with prophylaxis or major surgeries (cumulative) >100m IUs of coagulation factor donated >50 developing countries in receipt of CSL’s donated coagulation factors >5,500 people with bleeding disorders (PWBD) treated >1,600 people with bleeding disorders (PWBD) on prophylaxis >5,500 acute bleeds treated >5,500 surgeries supported 45