CSL Annual Report 2024

The Company continues to evolve its critical safety systems, focused on preventing serious workplace injuries. Adopting innovative and industry best practices, in all areas of environmental health and safety (EHS). Enablon®, CSL’s cloud-based EHS software solution continues to evolve, helping CSL modernise its EHS tools and procedures. Enablon® allows all employees, contractors and visitors to participate in event reporting, incident investigation, inspections, corrective measures and metrics. The modernisation of EHS practices continues as CSL has begun its scoping and implementation of additional digital tools to improve and modernise its environmental data collection and reporting. Work has continued to strengthen the EHS Management System. With specific focused improvements to core EHS elements of environmental management, critical safety systems, pSIF (potential serious injuries and fatalities) prevention and employee engagement. CSL’s people are its most important asset. CSL continues to develop, implement and improve employee health and safety processes and programs to further promote a strong and inclusive safety culture. The work undertaken during the past year, as part of CSL’s global health and wellness programs, continues to mature, bringing together health advocates from all over the CSL network to implement its multi-year global health and wellness strategy. This work in health and wellness is being paired with a renewed investment into CSL’s EHS culture and employee engagement processes, to further strengthen the employee experience in all areas of environmental health, safety and sustainability. CSL’s Health and Safety Performance Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)^† Year‡ Operations Targets 23–24* 22–23#** 21–22** Non-CSL Plasma sites# ≤3.5 0.70 0.94 1.39 CSL Plasma sites# ≤10.8 9.75 12.1 10.67 Fatalities (employees and contingent workers)# 0 0 0 0 * Limited assurance by Deloitte. ** Limited assurance by Ernst & Young. † Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) is the rate of injuries resulting in a fatality, lost time from work ≥ one day/shift, and medical treatment beyond first aid calculated as TRIFR = (# Injuries) x (1,000,000)/(hours worked). ‡ Data is calculated over a 36-month period of time. Data is separated into CSL Plasma and non‑CSL Plasma sites to account for the difference in the inherent hazards in plasma collection centres as compared to manufacturing facilities. ^ This applies globally to all operations and employees, including part-time employees, contracted employees, contingent workers, and temporary employees (or other individuals) whose work is directly supervised by a CSL employee. This includes contingent workers that perform work that is directly related to the Company’s core work and provide work direction from the Company. This does not apply to independent contractors: who perform non-core servicing, maintenance or construction related work. Work performed by an independent contractor is not controlled nor directed by CSL and its entities but by the hired party. # This includes CSL Vifor, Switzerland manufacturing facility and head office following the acquisition in August 2022. 41