CSL Annual Report 2024

* Limited assurance by Deloitte. Data as at 30 June 2024 and includes all salaried employees globally where birthday is recorded (99.5% of population). People managers are defined as employees with at least 3 or more direct reports. Generational Profile Senior Executives* Generation Y 12% (Millenials) Generation X 80% Baby Boomer 8% People Managers* Generation Y 47% (Millenials) Generation X 49% Baby Boomer 4% All Employees* Generation Y 55% (Millenials) Generation X 33% Generation Z 8% Baby Boomer 4% United States Ethnicity White 43% African American 29% Hispanic 18% Asian 5% Two or More Races 4% Other 1% Gender Composition * Limited assurance by Deloitte. Includes all salaried employees globally; % calculations exclude 246 employees with unspecified gender. These 246 employees are excluded from the total counts. People Managers are defined as employees with at least 3 or more direct reports. Board of Directors* Goal: a minimum 40% women, minimum 40% men and 20% either men, women, nonbinary or did not disclose. Women 56% Men 44% 9 Total Senior Executives* Goal: a minimum 40% women, minimum 40% men and 20% either women, men, nonbinary or employees that do not wish to disclose gender among our Senior Executives by the 2029/30 financial year. Women 34% Men 66% 685 Total People Managers* Goal: a minimum of 45% women, minimum 45% men and 10% women, men, nonbinary or employees that do not wish to disclose gender in CSL’s overall People Manager population by the 2024/25 financial year. Women 46% Men 54% 4,287 Total All Employees* Women 59% Men 41% 32,452 Total 35