CSL Annual Report 2024

4. Continue to invest in manufacturing capabilities, platforms, and partnerships to keep pace with the growing demand for cell-based vaccines, support the launches of sa‑mRNA vaccines, and to ensure CSL meets and exceeds the needs of the healthcare providers it serves. Over the short-term two current trends will likely continue to evolve. First, the exciting acceleration of new vaccine technologies will likely continue. CSL Seqirus is well positioned with its technology platforms (cell, adjuvants, and sa-mRNA) and our R&D pipeline. CSL has also observed reduced rates of immunisation following the pandemic. Against this backdrop, CSL expects its differentiated vaccine portfolio to deliver ongoing value to public health systems. Seasonal influenza remains one of the most consequential vaccine preventable diseases due to its significant morbidity and mortality, with unmet need across all populations, and with particular risk to the very young, as a result of immature immune systems, and in older adults where immune systems start to wane over time. CSL Seqirus’ recent growth has been underpinned by our differentiated products – FLUAD® and FLUCELVAX® – which have been designed to help address these unmet needs. CSL expects to continue this growth over the medium-term, fueled by an ever‑growing body of real‑world evidence that demonstrates the benefits of CSL Seqirus’ Influenza vaccine portfolio. CSL is also planning to extend the indication of FLUAD® to populations 50 years+ and FLUCELVAX® to 6 months+ in a number of key markets to ensure the broadest possible access to these differentiated vaccines. Additionally, CSL is advancing key development programs, including aTIVc and sa-mRNA with the goal of leading important innovation to further address the unmet need within the influenza vaccine space. CSL is also keen to bring the anticipated benefits of sa-mRNA COVID vaccine to market. CSL Seqirus’ current efforts are focused on finalising clinical work and regulatory submissions in major markets around the world, enabling commercial launches over the next one to three years. Over the longer time frame, CSL’s strategy of differentiation and continuous innovation aims to protect ever-growing communities around the world and clearly establish CSL’s leadership within the markets it serves. Read more at investors.csl.com The CSL Seqirus strategy focuses on four key pillars: 1. Continue to grow the influenza franchise, further evolving our portfolio to innovative differentiated products that address unmet public health needs. 2. Continue to build on pandemic and pre-pandemic influenza leadership. Pandemic preparedness is a critical public health imperative and an important part of the CSL Seqirus business as it leverages core capabilities and unique partnerships with governments and other key stakeholders. Today, CSL has more than 30 agreements with Governments around the world where it is uniquely positioned to respond in the event of an influenza pandemic. With CSL Seqirus’ ongoing investments to continually enhance manufacturing capabilities and network, development of CSL Seqirus’ sa-mRNA platform, and the strong collaborations with governmental partners, CSL Seqirus is well positioned to respond to the public health need in the event of a pandemic. 3. Broaden global portfolio beyond influenza. CSL is excited about its self-amplifying mRNA technology which it believes will allow us to develop the next generation COVID-19 vaccine. 17