CSL Annual Report 2024

CSL’s Businesses and Outlook You can read more about these technologies in the Innovation section of this report. Over the medium term, CSL Behring is committed to returning gross margin to pre-COVID levels. In addition to the initiatives to reduce the cost per litre of plasma outlined above, Ig yield improvements are critical to this. Increasing the amount of Ig extracted from every litre of plasma will always be an area of high focus for CSL. Over the next three to five years, the aim is to increase Ig yields by using data analytics, smarter plasma allocation, and through the implementation of a program of operational excellence. Over the longer term, CSL has a positive outlook for the demand for its products. Overall, the global Ig market is expected to grow over the next five years with continued supply, and with improved diagnosis rates in primary immunodeficiency (PID) post‑COVID. Within this growing Ig market, both PRIVIGEN® (an intravenous infusion Ig therapy) and HIZENTRA® (a subcutaneous Ig infusion therapy) are expected to gain market share over this timeframe. CSL is proud of CSL Behring’s Ig leadership position, and is poised to expand it. It is expected that the global Haemophilia B market will grow over the coming five years due to the steady prevalence of the disease and the launch of novel treatments, including gene therapies. Within this growing market, the CSL Behring portfolio is poised to grow its share of revenue. The Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) market is also expected to grow over the coming five years due to improved diagnosis rates and new prophylaxis therapies. Regulatory filing for garadacimab, CSL’s next generation HAE therapy, has now been accepted for review by the FDA and EMA, and it is anticipated that this product will come to market in FY25. The outlook for CSL Behring is positive, however competitive pressures across some indications have increased recently. Based on expected market dynamics, the depth of CSL’s portfolio, strong leadership and continued innovation across rare and serious diseases, the outlook for CSL Behring is strong and well-positioned to deliver sustainable, profitable growth. Read more at investors.csl.com CSL Behring’s operating units cover the journey from donor to patient. The focus of plasma collection is threefold; growing plasma volume while concurrently reducing the unit acquisition cost and enhancing the donor experience. Its manufacturing capability is focused on fractionating the plasma collected, improving Ig and albumin yield and transforming it into CSL’s portfolio of innovative medicines, as well as delivering supply of our recombinant medicines. CSL Behring’s commercial teams around the world are engaged with healthcare providers, payors and key stakeholders working to meet patient needs, and to deliver successful launches of CSL’s life-saving therapies, providing access to more people with rare and serious diseases. In the short term, one of CSL Plasma’s key priorities is sourcing a sufficient and sustainable volume of plasma to meet the growing need for CSL’s medicines. Plasma-derived therapies have a nine-to-12-month manufacturing cycle, so increasing collections in a sustainable way today is critical to CSL’s ability to increase the supply of therapies to patients in the future. Currently CSL Plasma teams are focused on reducing the overall cost per litre of plasma by optimising donor experience, improving centre productivity and innovation, including through the rollout program for the RIKA plasmapheresis technology and individual nomograms. 16 Limited Annual Report 2023/24