CSL Annual Report 2024

161 Legal notice: This report is intended for global use. CSL conducts a detailed sustainability materiality assessment every two years in order to identify and assess impacts, risks and opportunities to its business, with our most recent assessment undertaken in early 2024. The prioritised results of our assessment are available within this report and on CSL.com. In addition to an independent audit of our consolidated financial statements, limited assurance on a selection of sustainability-based metrics has been provided by Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu (Deloitte), and the assurance opinion can be found on page 73. Further, more detailed Group and sustainability information, including CSL’s materiality assessment, can be found on CSL.com (Sustainability). Some statements about products, registered product indications or procedures may differ in certain countries. Therefore, always consult the country-specific product information, package leaflets or instructions for use. For more information, please contact a local CSL representative. Brand names designated by a ® or a ™ throughout this publication are trademarks either owned by and/or licensed to CSL or its affiliates. Not all brands mentioned are used or registered as trademarks in all countries served by CSL. Forward-looking statements This report contains forward-looking statements, including statements with respect to future company compliance and performance. This report also includes forward‑looking statements regarding climate change and other environmental and energy transition scenarios. While these forward-looking statements reflect CSL’s expectations at the date of this report, they are not guarantees or predictions of future performance or statements of fact. These statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause the Group’s actual results, performances or achievements to differ, possibly materially, from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. These factors include changes in government and policy; actions of regulatory bodies and other governmental authorities such as changes in taxation or regulation (or approvals under regulation); the effect of economic conditions; technological developments in the healthcare field; advances in environmental protection processes; and geopolitical developments. There are also limitations with respect to scenario analysis, and it is difficult to predict which, if any, of the scenarios might eventuate. Scenario analysis is not an indication of probable outcomes and relies on assumptions that may or may not prove to be correct or eventuate. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Except as required by applicable laws or regulations, CSL does not undertake to publicly update or review any forward-looking statements. Past performance cannot be relied on as a guide to future performance. Non-IFRS financial information disclaimer References to AASB refer to the Australian Accounting Standards Board and IFRS refers to the International Financial Reporting Standards. There are references to IFRS and non-IFRS financial information in this report. Non-IFRS financial measures are financial measures other than those defined or specified under any relevant accounting standard and may not be directly comparable with other companies’ information. Non-IFRS financial measures are used to enhance the comparability of information between reporting periods and enable further insight and a different perspective into financial performance. Non-IFRS financial information should be considered in addition to, and is not intended to be a substitute for, IFRS financial information and measures. Non-IFRS financial measures are not subject to audit or review. CSL Limited ABN 99 051 588 348 Disclaimer as it relates to trademarks The trademarks CSL, CSL BEHRING, CSL SEQIRUS, CSL VIFOR, HEMGENIX, HAEGARDA, BERINERT, PRIVIGEN, HIZENTRA, AFSTYLA, IDELVION, KCENTRA, RiaSTAP, ZEMAIRA, RESPREEZA, INJECTAFER, VELPHORO, VELTASSA, AUDENZ, FLUAD, FLUCELVAX, FOCLIVIA, AFLUNOV, KOSTAIVE, MF59, TETAGAM, BERIRAB, HAEMATE, HAEMOCOMPLETTAN, FERINJECT, BERIPLEX, CELLDEMIC, INCELLIPAN and PANVAX are owned by CSL Limited or other CSL Group Legal Entities and are the subject of trade mark applications and registrations in countries around the world. The trademarks RESPREEZA and KCENTRA are registered in a country or countries outside Australia. KORSUVA and KAPRUVIA are trademarks of Cara Therapeutics, Inc. RAYALDEE is a trademark of OPKO Health, Inc. or EirGen Pharma Ltd. TAVNEOS is a trademark of ChemoCentryx Inc. FILSPARI is a trademark of Travere Therapeutics, Inc. FLUXVIR is a trademark of Sinergium Biotech S.A. (Argentina). The trademark FLUXVIR is registered in a country or countries outside Australia.