CSL Annual Report 2024

Performance Summary Performance Indicator Measure 21/22 22/23 23/24 More in 23/24 Annual Report (page reference) Healthier Environment Environmental data absolutes§ Energy consumption Petajoules 3.92 4.21†^ 4.34#^ 51 Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions Metric kilotonnes (KT) 347 336†^ 351#^ 51 Water consumption Gigalitres 4.67 4.86 5.34#^ 54 Waste Metric kilotonnes (KT) 55.54 72.00 93.64 54 Waste recycling rate Percentage 38 44 48 54 * References the definitions included in the GRI standards. ** As part of the Engagement Survey, employees said that they feel good about the ways CSL contributes to the community. *** Excludes CSL Vifor as available data is not captured via the same method as the CSL Group. # Data for nominated period has received limited assurance by Deloitte. † Data for nominated period has received limited assurance by Ernst & Young. ¶ Operating Revenue, Net Profit and R&D Investment extracted from the audited financial statements. †† Safety related recalls relate to finished products which must be retrieved due to a known or possible adverse or health related impact on a patient. These include safety related recalls which are classified as a class 1 and 2 recall by the regulator. § See page 51 (Energy) and 54 (Waste and Water) for more on reporting boundary. ^ Includes CSL Vifor. TRIFR and environmental metrics includes CSL Vifor data for Switzerland only. ^^ Data for nominated period has received limited assurance by Ernst & Young. Data collection method changed for the reporting period, see page 48, Donor Experience Reporting boundary CSL’s disclosure covers the businesses and operations over which it exercises direct control and incorporates CSL Limited, CSL Behring (including CSL Plasma), CSL Seqirus, CSL Vifor and global research and development (R&D). This includes CSL’s nine manufacturing facilities in Australia, China, Europe, the UK and the United States as well as R&D, sales and marketing, distribution and administration activities co-located with these facilities. Other R&D activities, sales and marketing, distribution and administrative activities occurring away from CSL’s manufacturing facilities are also covered by this report, including the full network of donation centres, laboratories and administration offices operated by CSL Plasma. Where indicated, CSL Vifor, which was acquired in August 2022, has been excluded in some metrics as integration/harmonisation activities continue. Key Performance Data Summary 158 Limited Annual Report 2023/24