CSL Annual Report 2024

Performance Summary Performance Indicator Measure 21/22 22/23 23/24 More in 23/24 Annual Report (page reference) Operating revenue US$ million 10,562¶ 13,310¶^ 14,800¶^ 106 Net profit US$ million 2,255¶ 2,194¶^ 2,642¶^ 106 Economic value generated* US$ million 10,570† 13,348†^ 14,839#^ 2 Economic value distributed* US$ million 9,866† 13,209†^ 13,516#^ 43 Promising Futures CSL’s people Total workforce Number 30,398† 32,065†^ 32,698#^ 35 Total Board female Percentage 44† 44†^ 56#^ 35 Total workforce female Percentage 61† 59†^ 59#^ 35 Total people managers female Percentage 46† 45†^ 46#^ 35 Total senior executives female Percentage 31 32†^ 34#^ 35 Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) Per million hours worked for Non‑CSL Plasma sites 1.4† 0.94†^ 0.70#^ 41 Per million hours worked for CSL Plasma 10.7† 12.1† 9.75#^ 41 Fatalities (including contractors) Number 0† 0†^ 0#^ 41 Employee engagement Percentage 77.9† 76.2†^ 74.8#^ 40 ESG employee engagement** Percentage 78.2† 76.2†^ 75.1#^ 40 Healthier Communities Innovation R&D investment US$ million 1,156† 1,266†^ 1,428¶^ 22 Clinical trials in operation Number 58 60 60 47 Safety and quality Regulatory audits of manufacturing facilities and plasma collection centres Number 406† 475†^ 479#^ 43 Safety related recalls of finished product†† Number 0† 3†^ 2#^ 43 Pharmacovigilance audits Number 69 94 82 43 Community Total contribution US$ million 50.0 42.6 45.3 43 Product access support (subset of total community contribution)*** US$ million 17.8† 13.7† 15.7# 44 Plasma donors willing to donate again Percentage 95^^ 94† 94# 48 Key Performance Data Summary See page 158 for footnotes. 157