CSL Annual Report 2024

Shareholder Information CSL Limited Issued Capital Ordinary Shares: 483,252,729 as at 30 June 2024; 483,252,729 as at 31 July 2024. Details of incorporation CSL’s activities were carried on within the Commonwealth Department of Health until the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Commission was formed as a Statutory Act 1961 (Cth) (the CSL Act) on 2 November 1961. On 1 April 1991, the Corporation was converted to a public company limited by shares under the Corporations Law of the Australian Capital Territory, and it was renamed Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Limited. These changes were brought into effect by the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (Conversion into Public Company) Act 1990 (Cth). On 7 October 1991, the name was changed to CSL Limited. The Commonwealth divested all of its shares by public float on 3 June 1994. The CSL Sale Act 1993 (Cth) amends the CSL Act to impose certain restrictions on the voting rights of persons having significant foreign shareholdings, and certain restrictions on CSL itself. CSL ordinary shares (being the only class of shares on issue) have been traded on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the ticker code: CSL since 30 May 1994. In June 2014, CSL commenced a sponsored Level 1 American Depositary Receipts (ADR) program with the Bank of New York Mellon. The sponsored ADR program replaced the unsponsored ADR programs that previously operated with CSL’s involvement. The American Depositary Receipts are traded on the over‑the‑counter (OTC) securities market in the United States. Two ADRs represent one ordinary share in CSL. The American Depositary Shares are tradeable via licensed US brokers in the ordinary course of trading in the over‑the‑counter (OTC) market in the US. Particulars for the sponsored ADR program are: US Exchange – OTC and DR Ticker Symbol – CSLLY. Substantial shareholders The following table shows (as at 30 June 2024) the details of each substantial shareholder who, together with their associates, notified CSL Limited under section 671B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), that they hold 5% or more of voting rights in CSL Limited’s shares. Date of last notice Title of class Identity of person or group Date received Date of change Number owned Ordinary shares Blackrock Group 2 December 2019 28 November 2019 27,353,205 Ordinary shares Vanguard Group 14 November 2022 9 November 2022 24,112,875 Ordinary shares State Street Group 19 March 2024 15 March 2024 29,225,168 There were no substantial shareholder notices lodged on the Australian Securities Exchange period between 1 July 2024 and 31 July 2024. Voting rights Ordinary shares At a general meeting, subject to restrictions imposed on significant foreign shareholdings and some other minor exceptions, on a show of hands, each shareholder present has one vote. On a poll, each shareholder present in person or by proxy, attorney or representative has one vote for each fully paid share held. In accordance with the CSL Act, CSL’s Constitution provides that the votes attaching to significant foreign shareholdings are not to be counted when they pertain to the appointment, removal or replacement of more than one-third of the directors of CSL who hold office at any particular time. A significant foreign shareholding is one where a foreign person has a relevant interest in 5% or more of CSL’s voting shares. 154 Limited Annual Report 2023/24