CSL Annual Report 2024

Consolidated Closed Group 2024 2023 Balance Sheet US$m US$m CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 189 24 Receivables and contract assets 557 699 Inventories 297 279 Total Current Assets 1,043 1,002 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment 2,105 1,881 Deferred tax assets 136 131 Intangible assets 23 16 Retirement benefit assets 2 2 Other financial assets 18,866 19,541 Other non-current assets 2,003 265 Total Non-Current assets 23,135 21,836 TOTAL ASSETS 24,178 22,838 CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 606 1,330 Provisions 58 61 Interest-bearing liabilities and borrowings 163 167 Total Current Liabilities 827 1,558 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 2,315 664 Interest-bearing liabilities and borrowings 1,340 1,512 Provisions 46 44 Other non-current liabilities 25 22 Total Non-Current Liabilities 3,726 2,242 TOTAL LIABILITIES 4,553 3,800 NET ASSETS 19,625 19,038 EQUITY Contributed equity 557 517 Reserves 574 437 Retained earnings 18,494 18,084 TOTAL EQUITY 19,625 19,038 2024 2023 Summary of movements in retained earnings of the Consolidated Closed Group US$m US$m Retained earnings at beginning of the financial year 18,084 17,888 Net profit for the year 1,602 1,281 Actuarial gains on defined benefit plans, net of tax — — Dividends paid to CSL Limited shareholders (1,192) (1,085) Retained earnings at the end of the financial year 18,494 18,084 143