CSL Annual Report 2024

Material topics* Focus Areas See pages 50 to 55 for more Donor experience – create best-in‑class donor experience in partnership with donors and communities Patient experience – elevate patient experience in drug development by embedding patient insights and lived experience Access and affordability – advance equitable access to medicines and vaccines Talent and culture – attract, develop, engage and retain top talent with diversity of identities, cultures, backgrounds, skills and lived experiences Supplier – partner with suppliers/third parties who share CSL’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility Energy – undertake initiatives that reduce emissions internally and across its supply chain Waste – divert waste from landfill through reducing, reusing, recycling and composting Water – identify, prioritise and implement water reduction initiatives • Product innovation and research • Clinical trial practices • Employee development and retention • Employee health, safety and wellbeing • Affordability and access to health • Product quality and safety • Plasma donations • Environmental management • Climate and carbon, and energy efficiency • Ecosystems and biodiversity • Circularity, waste and resource management See pages 20 to 32 for more See pages 34 to 41 for more See pages 42 to 48 for more Detailed throughout this report are existing targets, such as CSL’s emissions reduction targets, and new initial goals in support of performance across the focus areas detailed above. These include new goals for donor experience, patient experience and access and affordability, to name a few. Find out more in the Healthier World section, from page 42. HEALTHIER COMMUNITIES HEALTHIER ENVIRONMENT Sustainability governance • Business ethics, integrity and compliance • Data protection and cybersecurity See pages 64 to 66 for more * Limited assurance by Deloitte. 11