CSL Annual Report 2024

Retain and Grow Plan (RGP) Executive Performance and Alignment Plan (EPA) Non-Executive Director Plan (NED) Global Employee Share Plan (GESP) Total Number Weighted average exercise price (A$) Number Weighted average exercise price (A$) Number Weighted average exercise price (A$) Number Weighted average exercise price (A$) Number Outstanding at the beginning of the year 1,337,897 — 490,898 — 1,566 — 142,953 236.55 1,973,314 Granted during year 942,842 — 252,564 — 3,264 — 262,950 234.23 1,461,620 Exercised during year (583,105) — (28,883) — (3,101) — (271,480) 229.21 (886,569) Cash settled during year (763) — — — — — — — (763) Forfeited during year (109,774) — (131,655) — (137) — — — (241,566) GESP true-up — — — — — — (3,933) 236.55 (3,933) Closing balance at the end of the year 1,587,097 — 582,924 — 1,592 — 130,490 238.83 2,302,103 The share price at the dates of exercise (expressed as a weighted average) by equity instrument type, is as follows: 2024 2023 RGP A$269.40 A$295.73 EPA A$269.09 A$295.99 NED A$274.48 A$296.74 GESP A$277.98 A$293.98 (b) Key Management Personnel Disclosures The remuneration of key management personnel is in Section 15 of the Directors’ Report and has been audited. Total compensation for key management personnel 2024 2023 US$ US$ Total of short term remuneration elements 9,092,275 8,849,461 Total of post-employment elements 357,797 342,883 Total of other long term elements 22,205 21,242 Total share-based payments 8,634,867 5,217,940 Total of all remuneration elements 18,107,144 14,431,526 121