CSL Annual Report 2024

CSL’s Sustainability Strategy Since first announcing its sustainability strategy in 2021, CSL continues to evolve its approach. The Company’s sustainability efforts aim to complement and support achievement of CSL’s long-term strategy, establishing a foundation for shared value creation and enduring success through 2030 and beyond. Driven by its vision for a healthier world, CSL has identified focus areas where it can have the most positive impact. These focus areas include existing emissions and environmental targets as well as new initial goals for other focus areas that seek to enable healthier communities and environments. The focus areas are guided by CSL’s material sustainability topics*, which inform continuous improvement across its operations and transparency in areas that matter most to CSL’s key stakeholders. In 2024, CSL concluded its sixth materiality assessment and followed the GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 (GRI 3) standard developed by the Global Reporting Initiative by understanding organisational context, identifying actual and potential negative and positive impacts, assessing the significance of impacts and prioritising the most material impacts for reporting. You can find more on the materiality assessment process on CSL.com. Embed an inclusive culture where all backgrounds and perspectives belong, develop, and thrive Everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve and maintain their highest level of health and well-being See Heathier World section, page 42, for more CSL’s Sustainability Vision CSL is committed to a healthier world. Its vision is a sustainable future for its employees, communities, patients and donors, inspired by innovative science and a values-driven culture HEALTHIER ENVIRONMENT HEALTHIER COMMUNITIES INCLUSION & BELONGING HEALTH EQUITY & EMPOWERMENT Strategic Focus Strategic Focus Donor experience Patient experience Access and affordability Talent and culture Supplier Energy Water Waste * Limited assurance by Deloitte. 10 Limited Annual Report 2023/24