CSL Annual Report 2024

Segment information has been adjusted to exclude impairment and amortisation of acquired intellectual property (IP), business acquisition and integration costs and the unwind of the inventory fair value uplift resulting from business acquisitions. NPATA represents the statutory net profit after tax before impairment and amortisation of acquired IP, business acquisition and integration costs and the unwind of the inventory fair value uplift. Refer to the next page for the reconciliation between the segment information and statutory results. CSL Behring CSL Seqirus CSL Vifor Consolidated Entity US$m 2024 2023 2024 2023 2024 2023 2024 2023 Sales and service revenue 10,334 8,968 1,896 1,851 2,029 1,957 14,259 12,776 Influenza pandemic facility reservation fees — — 172 156 — — 172 156 Royalty and license revenue 235 215 — — 24 27 259 242 Other income 39 107 60 24 11 5 110 136 Total segment revenue 10,608 9,290 2,128 2,031 2,064 1,989 14,800 13,310 Segment gross profit 5,275 4,561 1,318 1,259 1,413 1,411 8,006 7,231 Segment gross profit % 49.7% 49.1% 61.9% 62.0% 68.5% 70.9 % 54.1% 54.3% Selling and marketing expenses (903) (804) (196) (187) (457) (490) (1,556) (1,481) Segment operating result 4,372 3,757 1,122 1,072 956 921 6,450 5,750 Segment operating result % 41.2% 40.4% 52.7% 52.8% 46.3% 46.3 % 43.6% 43.2% Research and development expenses (1,428) (1,266) General and administrative expenses (825) (827) Underlying EBIT 4,197 3,657 Finance costs (476) (444) Finance income 39 38 Profit before tax 3,760 3,251 Income tax expense (722) (504) NPATA 3,038 2,747 - Attributable to equity holders of CSL 2,907 2,610 - Attributable to non-controlling interests 131 137 Underlying EBIT 4,197 3,657 Unwind of CSL Vifor inventory fair value uplift (30) (169) CSL Vifor acquisition and integration costs (54) (184) Amortisation of other intangibles (excluding IP)1 5 3 16 14 7 9 109 106 Depreciation1 337 273 60 60 25 24 528 490 EBITDA2 4,714 4,033 1,198 1,146 988 954 4,750 3,900 Certain comparative amounts have been reclassified in order to be consistent with the current year's presentation. The overall impact of such reclassifications had no impact on net profit. 113 1 Depreciation and amortisation expenses (excluding IP) of $187m (2023: $213m) relate to non-segment expenditure and are not allocated to segments. 2 The Group's EBITDA of $4,750m (2023: $3,900m) represents statutory operating profit (EBIT) of $3,812m (2023: $3,069m) as reported in the consolidated income statement adding back total depreciation and amortisation expense of $938m (2023: $831m) (Note 2). The Group's EBITDA includes $2,150m (2023: $2,233m) of costs that are not allocated to segments. The costs are primarily attributable to centralised activities being R&D and general and administration.