CSL Annual Report 2024

Our Current Performance Note 1: Segment Information The Group’s segments represent strategic business units that offer different products and operate in different industries and markets. They are presented consistent with how the CEO who is the chief operating decision-maker (CODM) monitors and assesses business performance to make resource allocation decisions. The operating segments are measured based on the segment operating result, being the revenues and costs directly under the control of the business unit. Segment information is presented to the CODM based on the operating performance of the business units and centralised functions, which has been adjusted to exclude impairment and amortisation of acquired intellectual property (IP), business acquisition and integration costs and the unwind of the inventory fair value uplift resulting from business acquisitions. Results related to the Groups centrally managed functions that are not directly attributable to a segment, impairment and amortisation of acquired IP, business acquisition related costs, tax and net finance costs are not allocated to segments. The Group’s operating segments are: CSL Behring – manufactures, markets and distributes plasma products, gene therapies and recombinants. CSL Seqirus – manufactures, markets and distributes predominantly influenza related products and provides pandemic services to governments. CSL Vifor – manufactures, markets and distributes products in the therapeutic areas of iron deficiency and nephrology. The Group acquired CSL Vifor in August 2022 and therefore, the prior year segment results of CSL Vifor do not represent a full twelve-month period. The Group's centralised research and development ("R&D") function builds on its capabilities across the R&D value chain. The Group continues to make balanced investments in life cycle management and market development of existing and new products. Costs related to R&D are reported separately and are not allocated to the operating segments. The Group utilises globally integrated functions to realise economies of scale. The functions include executive office, communications, finance, human resources, legal, information & technology. The costs related to these functions, as well as any other non-business unit related costs (including depreciation and amortisation of unallocated assets) are reported as General and Administration expenses and are not allocated to the operating segments. 112 Notes to the Financial Statements Limited Annual Report 2023/24