CSL Annual Report 2024

Equity attributable to shareholders of CSL Limited Contributed Equity Reserves Retained earnings Total shareholders' equity Non-controlling interests Total equity US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m US$m 2024 2023 2024 2023 2024 2023 2024 2023 2024 2023 2024 2023 As at the beginning of the year 517 483 648 590 14,621 13,504 15,786 14,577 2,040 — 17,826 14,577 Profit for the year — — — — 2,642 2,194 2,642 2,194 72 50 2,714 2,244 Other comprehensive (losses)/income — — (23) (73) (59) 1 (82) (72) — — (82) (72) Total comprehensive income/(losses) — — (23) (73) 2,583 2,195 2,560 2,122 72 50 2,632 2,172 Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners Share-based payments — — 169 138 — — 169 138 — — 169 138 Dividends — — — — (1,192) (1,085) (1,192) (1,085) (74) (154) (1,266) (1,239) Share issues 40 34 — — — — 40 34 — — 40 34 Acquisition of CSL Vifor — — — (7) — 7 — — — 2,144 — 2,144 As at the end of the year 557 517 794 648 16,012 14,621 17,363 15,786 2,038 2,040 19,401 17,826 The consolidated statement of changes in equity should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. 108 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity For the Year Ended 30 June 2024 Limited Annual Report 2023/24