CSL Annual Report 2024

Consolidated Entity 2024 2023 Notes US$m US$m CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 10 1,657 1,548 Receivables and contract assets 13 2,895 2,214 Inventories 4 5,964 5,466 Current tax assets 126 31 Assets held for sale 15 126 — Total Current Assets 10,768 9,259 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment 8 8,148 7,797 Right-of-use assets 8 1,510 1,555 Intangible assets 7 16,346 16,446 Deferred tax assets 3 911 902 Retirement benefit assets 16 18 6 Other financial assets 10 163 173 Other non-current assets 13 158 96 Total Non-Current Assets 27,254 26,975 TOTAL ASSETS 38,022 36,234 CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 13 3,345 2,947 Interest-bearing liabilities and borrowings 10 944 1,055 Current tax liabilities 176 296 Provisions 14 475 310 Liabilities held for sale 15 10 — Total Current Liabilities 4,950 4,608 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Interest-bearing liabilities and borrowings 10 11,239 11,172 Retirement benefit liabilities 16 282 204 Deferred tax liabilities 3 1,514 1,464 Provisions 14 186 467 Other non-current liabilities 13 450 493 Total Non-Current Liabilities 13,671 13,800 TOTAL LIABILITIES 18,621 18,408 NET ASSETS 19,401 17,826 EQUITY Contributed equity 11 557 517 Reserves 11 794 648 Retained earnings 17 16,012 14,621 Equity attributable to shareholders of CSL Limited 17,363 15,786 Non-controlling interests 21 2,038 2,040 TOTAL EQUITY 19,401 17,826 The consolidated balance sheet should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. 107 Consolidated Balance Sheet As at 30 June 2024