CSL Annual Report 2024

10. Additional Employee Equity Programs and Legacy Plan Information In addition to the Executive Performance and Alignment Plan LTI program described earlier in this Report, CSL operates two additional employee equity programs – the Global Employee Share Plan and the Retain and Grow Plan. An overview of those programs is provided below. 10.1 Global Employee Share Plan CSL’s Global Employee Share Plan (GESP) provides all employees the opportunity to share in the ownership of our company and share in our future. Operating across two six month contribution periods, an employee can elect to make post tax salary contributions between A$365 and A$12,000 per six month period. The employee then receives shares at a 15% discount to the applicable market rate over the five day period up to and including the first and last ASX trading days of the six month period, whichever is the lower. Shares are then held in restriction for a period of one or three years as determined upfront by the employee. The shares may be issued or purchased on market. To participate in GESP an employee must have at least six months service at the start of the contribution period. Participation is open to permanent full or part time and fixed term contract employees and excludes Executive Directors. 10.2 Retain and Grow Plan The CSL Group Retain and Grow Plan (RGP) LTI program is designed to attract, motivate and retain key talent across the organisation. RGP provides eligible employees with longer-term share ownership in CSL, enabling them to share in the company’s success and any capital growth. The RGP recognises those individuals in management roles (Manager to Senior Vice President) across the CSL Group. Awards under the RGP are not guaranteed and the CSL Board will review participation on an annual basis. Key plan elements are as follows: • A conditional ‘right’ to a CSL share (i.e. full value instrument) or at the Board’s discretion, a cash equivalent payment. No price is payable by the participant on grant or vesting of rights. Shares are automatically allocated (or cash automatically paid) without the need for exercise by a participant; • The security granted is a RSU; • LTI opportunity set as % of local salary (converted to A$ at grant); • Number of RSUs determined using face value (five day weighted average share price); • Individual performance hurdle – must at least partially meet performance expectations; • 33% of RSUs will vest on the first and second anniversaries of the Issue Date, with the remaining 34% vesting on the third anniversary; • There is no retesting of awards; • On cessation of employment a ‘qualified leaver’ (such as retirement or redundancy) will retain a pro-rated number of RSUs based on time elapsed since grant date, subject to original terms and conditions. If a participant is not a ‘qualified leaver’, all unvested awards will be forfeited unless the Board determines otherwise; • In the event of a change of control, the Board, in its absolute discretion, may determine that some or all of the awards vest having regard to the performance of the participant during the vesting period to the date of the change of control event. Vesting may occur at the date of the change of control event or an earlier vesting date as determined by the Board; and • No dividends or dividend equivalents are paid on unvested awards. Participants are only eligible for dividends once shares have been allocated following vesting of any RSUs. RSUs do not carry any voting rights prior to vesting and allocation of shares. CSL’s Senior Vice President and Vice President employees participate in both the Executive Performance and Alignment PSU (described in section 3.5) and RGP LTI Plans, with a higher portion of awards aligned to the executive plan. The RGP is also used for commencement benefits, retention and recognition awards at all levels of the organisation. The difference to the annual program is the vesting schedule, which is reviewed and determined on a case by case basis. 104 Limited Annual Report 2023/24