CSL Annual Report 2024

Table 16: NED Rights Holdings Closing Balance at 30 June 2024 KMP Security Opening Balance at 1 July 2023 Number Granted43 Face Value of Rights Granted US$44 Fair Value of Rights Granted US$45 Number Exercised46 Value of Rights Exercised US$47 Number Lapsed Balance at 30 June 2024 Number Vested During Year Vested48 Unvested49 NED B McNamee Right 304 686 118,477 119,769 647 117,153 – 343 647 – 343 M Clark Right 85 290 50,085 50,631 230 41,906 – 145 230 – 145 A Cuthbertson50 Right 128 290 50,085 50,631 273 49,436 – 145 273 – 145 PSU 1,161 – – – – – 1,161 – – – – C Hewson Right 214 386 66,665 67,392 407 73,440 – 193 407 – 193 S Lewis Right – 114 21,265 20,971 – – – 114 – – 114 D Maskell Right 300 677 116,922 118,198 639 115,707 – 338 639 – 338 M McDonald Right 128 290 50,085 50,631 273 49,436 – 145 273 – 145 A Watkins Right 150 338 58,375 59,012 319 57,760 – 169 319 – 169 Former NED B Brook Right 257 193 33,333 33,697 313 53,690 137 – 313 – – 43. The number of Rights granted is determined by dividing the NEDs elected percentage of pre-tax base fee (minimum 20%) by the five day volume weighted average price (VWAP) at which CSL shares were traded on the ASX ending on (and including) the last ASX trading day prior to the date of grant of the Rights being 23 August 2023 of A$268.98. The Rights were granted on 23 August 2023 in two tranches (the 2024 grant). Tranche one had a vesting date of 16 February 2024 and tranche two vests 16 August 2024. 44.The value at grant date has been determined by the share price at the close of business on the grant date of 23 August 2023 being A$263.20 multiplied by the number of Rights granted during 2024. The A$ value was converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the year of 1.52397. The Rights have an expiry date fifteen years from the start of the financial year in which the Rights were granted. 45. The value of Rights is calculated based on an assessment of the fair market value of the instruments in accordance with the accounting standards (refer to Note 16 in the Financial Statements). The fair value of each Right granted on 23 August 2023 was Tranche 1: A$267.06 and Tranche 2: A$265.08 and for the Rights granted 21 February 2024 was A$280.34, multiplied by the number of Rights granted during 2024. 46.Vesting and exercise occurred in relation to Tranche 2 of the 2023 grant and Tranche 1 of the 2024 grant. All Rights eligible vested at 100% during the year. No Rights eligible to vest were lapsed. 47. The value at exercise date has been determined by the share price at the close of business on the exercise date multiplied by the number of Rights exercised during 2024. The A$ value was converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the year of 1.52397. Australian based NEDs have Rights exercised at the vesting date and a holding lock is placed on the shares for a period of three to fifteen years as elected by the NED. 48.Vested Rights are exercisable to the NED at the end of the nominated restriction period. All vested Rights are currently unexercisable until the end of the nominated restriction period. 49. Unvested Rights represent Tranche 2 of the 2024 grant that will vest on 16 August 2024, following the release of full year financial results. 50. All PSUs were held by A Cuthbertson in his capacity as a member of the Company’s Executive KMP until 1 October 2021. Details of the awards are disclosed in prior year Remuneration Reports. 103