CSL Annual Report 2024

Directors’ Report 9.6 NED Shareholdings Details of fully paid ordinary shares held directly, indirectly or beneficially by each NED, including their related parties, is provided in Table 15. Details of Rights held directly, indirectly or beneficially by each NED, including their related parties, is provided in Table 16. Following the vesting of awards, any trading undertaken by NEDs was subject to the Group Securities Dealing Policy (outlined in section 7.2). Table 15: NED Shareholdings KMP Opening Balance as at 1 July 2023 Number of Shares Acquired on Exercise of Rights during year Value of Shares Acquired on Exercise of Rights during year US$40 Number of (Shares Sold)/ Purchased Closing Balance at 30 June 2024 NED B McNamee 146,580 647 117,153 (21,000) 126,227 M Clark 4,449 230 41,906 430 5,109 A Cuthbertson 90,263 273 49,436 (20,000) 70,536 C Hewson 1,655 407 73,440 – 2,062 S Lewis41 1,882 – – – 1,882 D Maskell 717 639 115,707 – 1,356 M McDonald 3,863 273 49,436 – 4,136 A Watkins 3,226 319 57,760 – 3,545 Former NED B Brook42 6,499 313 53,690 – 6,812 There have been no movements in shareholdings of NEDs between 30 June 2024 and the date of this Report. 40.The value at exercise date has been determined by the share price at the close of business on the exercise date multiplied by the number of Rights exercised during 2024. The A$ value was converted to US$ at an average rate for the year of 1.52397. 41. In 2024 S Lewis was a NED for the period 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024. Accordingly, S Lewis’ balance at 1 July 2023 is the balance at 1 January 2024. 42. In 2024 B Brook was a NED for the period 1 July 2023 to 11 October 2023. Accordingly, B Brook’s balance at 30 June 2024 is the balance at 11 October 2023. 102 Limited Annual Report 2023/24