CSL Annual Report 2024

9.5 Executive KMP Shareholdings Details of fully paid ordinary shares held directly, indirectly or beneficially by each Executive KMP, including their related parties, are provided in Table 13. Details of Options, Performance Rights, PSUs and RSUs held directly, indirectly or beneficially by each Executive KMP, including their related parties, are provided in Table 14. Following the vesting of awards, any trading undertaken by Executive KMP was subject to the Group Securities Dealing Policy (outlined in section 7.2). Approved trading disclosed was actioned in accordance with the Policy, and sales undertaken were the forced trades to cover CSL tax withholding obligations, not further shares were sold in 2024. Table 13: Executive KMP Shareholdings Executive Opening Balance at 1 July 2023 Number of Shares Acquired on Exercise of PSUs or RSUs during year US$ Vesting and Value of Shares Acquired on Exercise of PSUs or RSUs during year US$36 Number of (Shares Sold)/ Purchased Closing Balance at 30 June 2024 P McKenzie 20,697 3,120 550,904 (1,361) 22,456 J Linton 11,644 396 73,368 – 12,040 A Schmeltz – 5,454 1,010,477 (3,340) 2,114 There have been no movements in shareholdings of Executive KMP between 30 June 2024 and the date of this report. Table 14: Executive KMP Performance Share Unit and Restricted Share Unit Holdings Closing Balance at 30 June 2024 Executive Security Opening Balance as at 1 July 2023 Number Granted Number Exercised Number Lapsed37 Closing Balance as at 30 June 2024 Number Vested During Year Vested38 Unvested P McKenzie39 PSU 48,883 44,095 3,120 5,384 84,474 3,120 – 84,474 J Linton PSU 17,557 11,647 – – 29,204 – – 29,204 RSU 396 – 396 – – 396 – – A Schmeltz PSU – 16,455 – – 16,455 – – 16,455 RSU – 13,615 5,454 – 8,161 5,454 – 8,161 36. The value of PSUs and RSUs at the exercise date has been determined by the share price at the close of business on the exercise date multiplied by the number of securities exercised during 2024. The A$ value was converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the year of 1.52397. 37. The number that lapsed represents the portion of the 2020 LTI (Tranche 4 granted 1 September 2019) and the 2021 LTI (Tranche 3 granted 1 September 2020) that did not vest. 38. Vested awards are exercisable to the Executive KMP. There are no vested and unexercisable awards. 39. The grant date of PSUs to P McKenzie was 12 October 2023. Shareholder approval for the grant of PSUs and any shares to be issued at the time of vesting, was obtained under ASX Listing Rule 10.14 at the 2023 Annual General Meeting. 101