CSL Annual Report 2024

Directors’ Report 9.4 Summary of Executive KMP Equity Granted, Vested and Lapsed in 2024 The table below summarises the details of equity awards granted, vested and lapsed for each Executive KMP. For awards granted, the maximum number of securities that may vest is shown. For accounting purposes, the maximum value of each grant is the fair value of the equity granted multiplied by the number of equity instruments granted or remaining each year. Ultimately, the maximum face value of the equity awards will be equal to the number of securities granted multiplied by the CSL share price at the time of vesting. The minimum number of securities and the value of the equity awards is zero if the equity award is fully lapsed. Details of the performance and service criteria applying to awards granted in prior years are summarised in section 10 and prior Remuneration Reports corresponding to the reporting period in which the awards were granted. Table 12: Movement in Equity in 2024 Executive Security Tranche Grant Date Vesting Date30 Fair Value at Grant US$ Face Value at Grant US$31 Granted During the Year Vested Lapsed Face Value at Vest – Vested Award US$32 Face Value at Lapse – Lapsed Awards US$33 P McKenzie PSU 4 1 Sep 19 1 Sep 23 682,155 727,682 4,604 – 4,604 – 812,936 PSU 3 1 Sep 20 1 Sep 23 721,335 720,849 3,900 3,120 780 550,904 137,726 PSU 1 1 Sep 23 1 Sep 26 5,168,096 5,450,239 30,867 – – – – PSU 2 1 Sep 23 1 Sep 26 2,214,779 2,335,691 13,228 – – – – J Linton34 RSU 4 1 Apr 21 1 Mar 24 67,163 68,340 396 396 – 73,368 – PSU 1 1 Sep 23 1 Sep 26 1,365,066 1,439,589 8,153 – – – – PSU 2 1 Sep 23 1 Sep 26 585,004 616,941 3,494 – – – – A Schmeltz35 RSU 1 1 Sep 23 1 Mar 24 956,222 963,022 5,454 5,454 – 1,010,477 – RSU 2 1 Sep 23 1 Mar 25 1,025,364 1,050,425 5,949 – – – – RSU 3 1 Sep 23 1 Mar 26 373,681 390,577 2,212 – – – – PSU 1 1 Sep 23 1 Sep 24 183,423 186,107 1,054 – – – – PSU 2 1 Sep 23 1 Sep 24 78,834 79,987 453 – – – – PSU 1 1 Sep 23 1 Sep 25 133,003 137,373 778 – – – – PSU 2 1 Sep 23 1 Sep 25 57,099 58,975 334 – – – – PSU 1 1 Sep 23 1 Sep 26 1,621,571 1,710,097 9,685 – – – – PSU 2 1 Sep 23 1 Sep 26 695,006 732,949 4,151 – – – – 30. RSUs and PSUs are automatically exercised on vesting. 31. Securities granted multiplied by the closing CSL share price on the date of grant. The A$ value was converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the year of 1.52397. 32. Securities vested multiplied by the closing CSL share price on the date of vest. All awards were automatically exercised on vesting. The A$ value was converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the year of 1.52397. 33. Securities lapsed multiplied by the closing CSL share price on the date of lapse. The A$ value was converted to US$ at an average exchange rate for the year of 1.52397. 34. J Linton’s RSU award represents commencement RSUs as partial compensation of benefits forfeited with previous employer. 35. A Schmeltz’s RSU award and PSU awards vesting to 2025 represents commencement RSUs and PSUs as partial compensation of benefits forfeited with previous employer. 100 Limited Annual Report 2023/24