CSL Annual Report 2022

Directors’ Report 3. Global Remuneration Framework 3.1 Global Total Rewards Principles To deliver on our promise to patients and to protect public health, we rely on our people and we need to ensure a strong supply of global talent. Our Total Rewards Principles enable us to attract, engage and retain talent, provide us with the flexibility to address talent challenges in various markets and allow us to compete with other large global pharmaceutical companies. We motivate our people to deliver their best performance by enabling an approach that integrates market competitive and differentiated reward programs that align to CSL’s strategy and business objectives. Common Global Structure • We leverage a market-based approach to offer competitive rewards, balancing both a global and local view • We align employee and shareholder interests, and consider community expectations • We benchmark ourselves against the life sciences industry* • We have a single pay design for all senior executives Effort Matters • We celebrate and recognise both the effort that is required along the way as well as the real results created by our employees Results and Behaviours • We are committed to a pay for performance culture based on both role requirements and how the individual performs • Living our CSL Values is a non-negotiable expectation Holistic Approach to Well-Being • We foster an environment of well-being that is multi-dimensional – physical, emotional, financial and social health Internal Equity, Inclusive Culture • We reward fairly and competitively • We strive and monitor for equal pay for equal work Simplicity and Clarity • We aim to create easy to understand programs and policies so people value and use them • We are committed to transparency in our communications – internally and externally *CSL Plasma is benchmarked against the Retail Industry 3.2 Remuneration Framework CSL’s remuneration framework combines elements of traditional Fixed Reward (or base salary), STI and LTI plans with enhancements to several design factors to suit CSL’s business, a very different business to other companies in Australia, and with a diverse global employee and shareholder base. Our international footprint requires global leadership and, with executives based in different countries, we need to ensure our framework is fair, equitable and market competitive in the countries and industry in which we operate in order to attract and retain highly talented people. CSL Limited Annual Report 2021/22 74