CSL Annual Report 2022

Directors’ Report 9. EHS and sustainability performance CSL has an Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Management System that ensures its facilities operate to industry and regulatory standards. This system includes compliance with government regulations and commitments for continuous improvement of health and safety in the workplace, as well as minimising the effect of operations on the environment. As part of our commitment to continuously improving our EHS performance, a global review of our management system against ISO 14001 and 45001 was conducted this financial year with implementing an update to the system planned for FY2022/23. Development, implementation and improvement of employee health and safety processes and programs continue to focus on enhancement of a strong and inclusive safety culture. Our Australian operations continue classification as an established licensee in respect to CSL’s self-insurance licence as granted by the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission. CSL continues to operate in compliance with domestic and foreign laws, regulating environmental, health and safety obligations. Including all applicable emissions and waste generation and disposal requirements. Government agency audits and facility inspections monitor CSL environmental, health and safety performance. No material findings were identified over the reporting period. In 2021, CSL, Parkville (Australia) submitted a remediation feasibility study and clean-up plan for identified groundwater contamination to the environmental authority in response to an EPA clean up notice. The EPA confirmed the site has complied with the notice requirements. CSL continues to monitor and engage with EPA on the next steps to close out this issue. As part of compliance and continuous improvement in regulatory and voluntary environmental performance, CSL continues to report on key environmental aspects, including energy consumption, emissions, water use and management of waste as part of CSL’s annual reporting on CSL.com (see Corporate Responsibility) and submission to the CDP (previously known as Carbon Disclosure Project). CSL has met its reporting obligations under the Australian Government’s National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act (2007) and Victorian Government’s Industrial Waste Management Policy (National Pollutant Inventory). Continuously monitoring environmental health and safety performance, climate change risks, and control measures means that CSL is ready for new and emerging regulatory requirements. CSL’s environmental performance is particularly important and relevant to select stakeholders and CSL reaffirms its commitment to continue to participate in initiatives such as CDP’s (climate change and water disclosures) to help inform investors of its environmental management approach and performance. Additional EHS performance details, including workplace safety, can be found in Our People on page 41. 10. Directors’ shareholdings and interests The interests of the directors in the shares, options and performance rights of CSL are set out in the Remuneration Report – Tables 11 and 12 for executive key management personnel (KMP) and Tables 17 and 18 for Non-Executive Directors. It is contrary to Board policy for KMP to limit exposure to risk in relation to these securities. From time to time the Company Secretary makes inquiries of KMP as to their compliance with this policy. 11. Directors’ interests in contracts Section 13 of this report sets out particulars of the Director’s Deed entered into by CSL with each director in relation to access to Board papers, indemnity and insurance. 12. Performance rights and options As at 30 June 2022, the number of unissued ordinary shares in CSL under options and under performance rights are set out in Note 6 and Note 19 of the Financial Statements. Holders of options or performance rights do not have any right, by virtue of the options or performance rights, to participate in any share issue by CSL or any other body corporate or in any interest issued by any registered managed investment scheme. The number of options and performance rights exercised during the financial year and the exercise price paid to acquire fully paid ordinary shares in CSL is set out in Note 6 of the Financial Statements. Since the end of the financial year, no shares were issued under CSL’s Performance Rights Plan. Since the end of the financial year, there has been no change to the information contained in Note 8 or Note 19 to the Financial Statements. Since the end of the financial year, 6,378 Restricted Share Units have been forfeited due to participant cessation of employment. There has been no change to the information contained in Note 18 to the Financial Statements. CSL Limited Annual Report 2021/22 66