CSL Annual Report 2022

Notes to the Financial Statements Note 6: People Costs continued 4 D uring the year ended 30 June 2022, 21,689 (RGP), 65 (EPA) and 89,653 (GESP) of the rights exercised were purchased on market. 5 T he fair value of GESP equity instruments is estimated based on the assumptions prevailing on the grant date. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the GESP plan, shares are issued at 15% discount to the lower of the ASX market price on the first and last dates of the contribution period. Outstanding share-based payment equity instruments The number and weighted average exercise price for each share-based payment plan outstanding is as follows. All plans are settled by physical delivery of shares except for instruments that may be settled in cash at the discretion of the Board. Performance Rights Retain and Grow Plan (RGP) Executive Performance and Alignment Plan (EPA) Non-Executive Director Plan (NED) Global Employee Share Plan (GESP) Total Number Weighted average exercise price Number Weighted average exercise price Number Weighted average exercise price Number Weighted average exercise price Number Weighted average exercise price Number Outstanding at the beginning of the year 8,350 A$0.00 801,366 A$0.00 426,121 A$0.00 1,333 A$0.00 99,212 A$229.74 1,336,382 Granted during year – A$0.00 539,110 A$0.00 183,972 A$0.00 2,449 A$0.00 188,405 A$223.07 913,936 Exercised during year4 (8,350) A$0.00 (315,709) A$0.00 (148,680) A$0.00 (2,529) A$0.00 (184,141) A$225.78 (659,409) Forfeited during year – A$0.00 (94,188) A$0.00 (57,305) A$0.00 – A$0.00 – A$0.00 (151,493) GESP true-up5 – A$0.00 – A$0.00 – A$0.00 – A$0.00 (4,724) A$229.74 (4,724) Closing balance at the end of the year – A$0.00 930,579 A$0.00 404,108 A$0.00 1,253 A$0.00 98,752 A$221.94 1,434,692 Exercisable at the end of the year – A$0.00 – A$0.00 – A$0.00 – A$0.00 – A$0.00 – The share price at the dates of exercise (expressed as a weighted average) by equity instrument type, is as follows: 2022 2021 Performance Rights A$297.02 A$290.92 RGP A$308.97 A$280.98 EPA A$309.08 A$281.68 GESP A$303.87 A$263.25 (b) Key Management Personnel Disclosures The remuneration of key management personnel is disclosed in section 17 of the Directors’ Report and has been audited. Total compensation for key management personnel 2022 US$ 2021 US$ Total of short term remuneration elements 10,880,861 9,280,941 Total of post employment elements 180,451 142,694 Total of other long term elements 24,438 26,173 Total share-based payments 10,229,740 11,751,250 Total of all remuneration elements 21,315,490 21,201,058 CSL Limited Annual Report 2021/22 112