CSL Ltd Annual Report 2021

Supplier assessments In 2020/21, CSL conducted 481 quality audits of suppliers.* This level of effort reflects our continued focus on understanding our suppliers across our value chain and the expansion of the numbers of suppliers to accommodate growth. Our Code of Responsible Business Practice includes a commitment to forbid the solicitation, facilitation or any other use of slavery or human trafficking, and under no circumstance should any engagement with CSL deprive individuals of their freedom. From 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, no instances related to human trafficking or slavery and forced labour were reported. CSL’s Modern Slavery Statement can be found on CSL.com (Our Company > Corporate Responsibility > Key Publications). * Does not include CSL’s operations in Wuhan, China. Limited assurance by Ernst & Young. Environment, health and safety CSL is committed to continuously improving our environmental, health and safety (EHS) performance with culture-driven, risk-centred methodologies that are focused on preventing workplace injuries and illnesses and reducing environmental impacts of our operations and products throughout their lifecycle. Our EHS Management System provides the platform for policies, procedures and guidelines, which manage our business processes. The following principles are applied and practised by CSL employees. We: – adhere to applicable EHS laws and regulations and in the absence of governmental standards, apply sound EHS practices; – instil ownership at all levels in the organisation; – establish opportunities for EHS involvement and expect all employees to be responsible for EHS; – set performance objectives and regularly measure and communicate results, progress and opportunity with our employees and stakeholders; – provide the resources to implement an EHS culture that proactively identifies and controls EHS risk; – share best practices with the intent to improve our operations and our communities; – conduct internal audits to ensure the integrity of our operations against our EHS Management System; and – provide training to all employees to ensure that they have the right level of skills, ability and knowledge to perform their work. For further information on our employee health and safety performance, please see Safety and wellbeing on page 53. CSL Limited Annual Report 2020/21 39