CSL Ltd Annual Report 2021

Indicates where across our value chain our resources and assets have supported efforts to address COVID-19 pandemic. * For more detail on our material topics visit CSL.com (Our Company > Corporate Responsibility > Approach > Material topics). Topics J1 to J5 are equally ranked. CSL's biennial sustainability materiality assessment, conducted in 2019/20, has received limited assurance by Ernst & Young. Our strategy Our value chain Unmet need Sourcing including plasma collection Pharmacovigilance CSL’s Purpose, Values and Code of Responsible Business Practice Early stage research & collaboration Promise to patients Product development & clinical trials Manufacturing & distribution Sales, marketing, policy advocacy & patient support C S L P e o p l e & C u l t u r e Patients and Public Health E f fi c i e n c y & F o c u s I n n o v a t i o n S u s t a i n a b l e G r o w t h R e l i a b l e S u p p l y T r a n s f o r m a t i o n D i g i t a l We target areas where we have strong assets, expertise and opportunities to create sustainable franchises. We are creating an environment that enables innovation to thrive. Our growth platforms include plasma, recombinants, cell and gene therapy, and influenza vaccines. We are transforming our business model over the next decade to drive efficiency and support innovation throughout our business. We are investing in capacity ahead of projected demand and in technology and process improvements to ensure that we can supply the needs of our patients. Our sustainability strategic pillars Product safety and quality Priority sustainability topics * Talent recruitment, development and retention Access to healthcare Environment – resource consumption and environmental protection Employee health and safety Innovation/R&D Communities we operate in Corporate governance Climate change risk A B C D E F G H I Social investment Diversity and inclusion Human rights/labour practices Integrity Plasma donors J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 A C G J5 D F H I B H J2 C D F H I B D E H J2 J3 J4 A C G H J1 J4 J5 A B C D E G H I J2 J3 J4 J5 Sustainable Workforce Social Environment We achieve value creation through high-quality, focused innovation capabilities, operational excellence and global commercial strength. At the origins of our value chain, plasma donors fuel our pipeline, while partners and collaborators support innovation and portfolio diversification. Employees enable value creation by driving our performance to deliver against our strategy and our promise. CSL Limited Annual Report 2020/21 17